MovieChat Forums > Out of the Past Discussion > The "fly fishing" scene.

The "fly fishing" scene.

So, what did everyone think of the scene where the Kid pulls Joe off the cliff with his fishing rod?

Ridiculous, or a stylish way to kill someone? I can't seem to make up my mind about that part.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I was hoping for some looney tunes sound effect when he was falling down, that's how silly it was.


They seriously need to test this method on myth busters.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.


I thought it was pretty cool (and stylish).

But then that's just me.


Wet slippery rocks and Joe was wearing dress shoes with no traction, not so ridiculous.


I went with cool way to kill someone.


seemed nifty to me.

🎍Season's greetings!πŸŽ…πŸŒ²


He's not fly fishing but spin casting. That's a spinner lure and a casting rig/pole.

The lure is also way too large for fish there. Half that size and probably 1/3 that size would be appropriate.

That lure and a 20lb line might be enough to pull him off balance. It would have been better if they had Joe standing and leaning out toward the cliff in order to shoot at Jeff.

Pause the film during the shot where you see over Joe's shoulder aiming at Jeff and he's hooked with the lure. It looks like in order to frame up the shot they have Joe actually standing. I have no idea why they shot the scene with him sitting on his butt. Sure makes it harder to drag someone over a cliff.

Joe also falls over a cliff and where his body lands is quite a ways downstream. Maybe he bounced a few times before coming to rest. πŸ˜‰

If they had shot the scene a little better I would have bought it, as it is thought it's not too bad.


The rig with the reel on top, spinning perpendicular to the rod, with the spool manipulated by the caster's thumb is called a bait casting rig. I think they were still using a fabric line at this time, not nylon. The lure is, as you say, inappropriate for trout.

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak


While the scene is somewhat humorous, at the end of the day it's pretty damn satisfying. A unique way to kill a movie villain? Absolutely.

You want something corny? You got it!


It was kind of goofy but also kind of stylish, I had the same feelings exactly


style points for sure
