Line about geek only used once?
I thought that there was a line in this movie that is spoken twice; once near the beginning ,when the youthful Stan Carlisle asks his boss about where they would find such a person, and near the end, when he is offered the job of geek at a different carnival. I remembered it as being a shock of recognition, for both Stan and the audience, when you hear the carny boss make the same pitch to Stan that he was told about at the beginning. Stan realizes that he is hearing the exact words his former boss used to describe how you persuade a down and out drunk to become a geek, by promising him a bottle a day, and that "It's just until we can get a real geek".
When I watched the movie on DVD the other night, I only heard the line spoken once, toward the end. Is it possible that the line is spoken twice in the original novel by William L. Gresham, but only once in the movie? I read about half the novel years ago, and I don't believe it's in print any more. Is there someone out there who's a real Nightmare Alley buff who can clarify this?
And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him