Was Charlene the villain?
Joe is continually getting depressed and dropping Jo Ann at the slightest imagined reverse. The final crisis is provoked by that worthless bangle that Jo Ann gave him and he treasured. And here it seems Charlene is the instigator of the whole tragedy. So what if Jo Ann fantasized that it was a true ancient Aztec relic or whatever? Charlene taunts Joe: "Ha ha, that's just a piece of cheap junk that Maximilian gives to every chick he scores with! Sorry to disappoint you, but your sweetie is just another slut!" Later, Maximilian notices the trinket and leers that it reminds him of when he used Jo Ann for his degenerate purposes! (All told in Production Code code.) That moves Joe to shoot him. Otherwise, Charlene is presumed decent and goodhearted, but as the woman scorned isn't she really the ultimate troublemaker?