How many cigarettes were smoked in this film?
I really liked this movie but man, I think Henry smoked at least 40-50 cigarettes in this movie. I think the only time he didn't use one to fire another one up was when he was kissing the girl he loved. Im going to watch it again, mark down each cigarette and get back to you. He might get close number wise to breaking Pacino's use of 'the eff word' in Scarface! Ah, for the good Ol' days in film! I was watching an old movie the other day and a 16 or so girl was drunk in a bar trying to pick up men. The cop walks in, tells her to get in her car and leave, and WARNS the bartender about serving drinks to teenagers. The bartender replies: She told me she was old enough! Cracked me up.
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't ~ Bart Simpson