On the relative abundance of material wealth we have had from the 1970s+
For all the material wealth we have in the recent decades, much of the excess wealth has either been wasted or spent by th elite in one of their vanity public works projects. Why else is it that in the 2010s, so far away seemingly from postwar Germany, baby mortality is the highest of the developed coutnries in the US, people cannot get sick and miss a day of worked for fear of being fired, our basic survival materials are either being polluted or used unsustainably, and the retirement ages keep on being pushed later and later?
At the same time the liberal elite seems more detached than ever from the mass of humanity and from truthful discussion about the consequence of consumerism., I just read an article about a costly effort undertaken to euthanize beached whales to keep them from suffering, while at the same time the US govt participates in the torture and assassination(as recently OKed by Obama) of US ctiizens. Also the Born again Christians efforts to save Shiavo when there are recently homeless American familes that may have benefited the help of thoae Christians more than a 99.99% dead woman,
It seems like our country is at a crisis point, capitalists cannot think of any other economic pattern other than growth for it's sake solely, and yet there are seemingly no opposition voices(at least according to our throughly corrupted media). Francis *beep* even declared an end to history..... It looks to me that money and wealth has become too abstract, and our constant quest for growth at all costs is simply become our societies version of virgin sacrifice.
How have things gotten better from postwar Germany up, those on the margins of society still deal with the same amount of deprivation,. The elite have been the only ones to have benefited from our current economic system, the middle class have been tapped out, and the lower class have it worse than ever with a successful war waged against them by the DEA and CIA using illegal drug to bring down entire communities and peoples.