
I just caught the end of this movie on tmc. It was really good. Could someone help me with the quote of what Cass says to Jinny about "freedom isn't about marriage. ..." It was a perfect quote but I didn't think fast enough to write it down.


Now that you mention it I'd like a quote from around the same time, when he was essentially taking responsibility for starting off the sequence of events that led to them breaking up. I thought what he said was profound. With him genuinely taking at least partial responsibility, it made sense that the two of them could reunite and start fresh.

I looked around for quotes or a transcript, but all I found was text from the book and I didn't see anything like the quote you're looking for http://archive.org/stream/casstimberlane030422mbp/casstimberlane030422 mbp_djvu.txt. Hopefully I can record this next time it's on.


It's on TCM again tomorrow at 6pm Eastern, so we'll get our quotes :)
