Best performance

I've seen Hedy Lamarr in quite a few films and have mostly found her acting to be wooden, mediocre at best, but finally got around to watching her in this and she was very good. The most convincing I've seen her in any film. Pity she didn't bring this level of 'wickedness' to her performance as Delilah.

Also felt the film was crying out for Technicolour!


I agree she was very good in this. She did a lot of acting with her eyes. But didn't the film seem like it was made earlier than 1946? It seems more like a pre-40's film to me.


Do you mean precode?


"It seems more like a pre-40's film to me."

Just in general


Well, the story took place in either the late 1800's or early 1900's, but yes it was filmed in 1946
