
Lana Turner, one of the world's most glamorous women who wears designer clothes, works in a greasy spoon with her husband who is old enough to to be her father? Give me a break!


She was a gold digger. What about that is so hard to understand?


Well, it's not like the husband really had money and that younger richer guys wouldn't be interested in Lana Turner.

Because of the era and Turner's image, the studio glammed her up.

In the remake, Jessica Lange (possible misspell) is beautiful, but looks like regular gal. I think that is what the OP is trying to articulate.


She was living in a podunk town where the people were dumb as a box of rocks. There aren't going to be a lot of rich young guys living in a town where cops say stuff like, "I really love cats," and, "Deader'n a door nail." Even if there were, she was too ambitious to be a trophy wife.

The husband wasn't rich, but my impression is that she married him out of the hope of getting the restaurant and launching her own business, which is exactly what she wound up doing.


There are other towns. Gold-diggers, like miners, go where the gold is,


A gold digger that looked like Lana Turner would aim a lot higher than the wife of a old greasy spoon or run away with a loser with no money. What about that is so hard to understand?


I don't think gold diggers spring up with Anna Nicole ambitions. Rather they at some point were normal women that for whatever reason became gold diggers. In which case it was entirely possible that she was normal person prior to this targeted old guy. Everyone starts somewhere, in this case she started in this town. You also have to remember that in this era people were not nearly as mobile as they are today.


You also have to remember that in this era people were not nearly as mobile as they are today.

Exactly. Everyone's forgetting that this was a different era, when people in small towns just didn't "pack up and leave" for Hollywood/NYC as readily as they do now, especially if they had no real education or prospects. People generally didn't leave town for "greater ambitions" unless they already had a friend or relative already established in a major city who could help them out. That's literally the reason why Cora decided to nix the idea of running away. She had so little going for her that if she moved to another town, she'd end up exactly where she started.

Also, is not everyone aware of the Black Dahlia? Elizabeth Short was drop dead gorgeous, but she was more than happy to live her life bumming off guys for dinner without even putting out (which is why she was most likely killed). Even though she looked like a movie star, her mouth was loaded with cavities and she was plugging them in with wax.

Here is her mugshot: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/23/article-2400910-1B6D8310000005DC-168_634x953.jpg.

Here is another shot of her: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8b/61/2e/8b612e5daef2fc6bd8000ff36537b34e.jpg


You are correct. Ignore the trolls


I'm putting you on ignore for calling people trolls, because anyone who immediately calls people that in a debate about an old movie is a stone cold idiot not worth hearing from.

Have a nice day.


Good. I should never hear from you again.
