better as a comedy?

Curious, am I the only person who thought with as much wry humor as the script had, it would have been done better with a bit more comedy? The tone of the film is serious... yet all of the irony doesn't seem believable at times because the film is so serious... People always showing up at the wrong time and a dumb cop work better in comedy, don't they? - - by comedy, I mean something like CHARADE, which is hilarious, but still a great suspense film.


Yeah, I can see that. It strikes me as a great unintentional comedy as well because Cora and Frank seem like Wiley Coyote to Nick's Road Runner. They just cannot seem to get it right. And the whole "dead cat" routine is gold, though I am sure that was intentional on some level.


Curious? No, no curious...

If you're retarded (wich indeed I think you're) this stupid proposal isnt curious

Please Note: Just Read Intelligent Answers
DARN remakes!
