alternate endings

is anybody a Hemingway fan?
I'm not really, but this is a great story - does anyone have another opinion as to what Ole Anderson might have done to deserve being shot? I love to bat this one around, I'd like to see a dozen more versions of this film.


In reality, this is not a Hemmingway story. It is adapted from a one-scene Hemmingway short story, where two killers go into a diner in Summit, NJ, looking for the Swede. They are hired kllers who then leave the diner to go to the Swede's room. That is the entire Hemmingway contribution to this film. The rest of the film is built around this scene by other writers.

A good movie? You bet it is!


that's very true - I was unclear.

Hemingway's story was very short, and this film enlarges on it. There are two enlargements of the short story, both very different. The question was: does anyone have another possible reason, from clues in the story, as to why the Swede was killed?


it was never explained in the short story who the killers were and why they wanted to kill the swede.

if you ever see the short story in print, it consists of only a few paragraphs.



I know dude, I've read the story: I was asking for creativity. But nevermind.


i guess my cerebral prowess does not exceed yours...dude.


Sure it does, you were much more concise and informative than I was - you just ignored my question. Since that's the best response it got, it probably wasn't a very good question.


Colfax explained it at the end. He had to get rid of the Swede before the other thieves found him while looking for their money. If they had found Swede first, they would have learned the real location of their money, and Colfax' double-cross.


night putting with the dean's daughter.



Colfax explained it at the end. He knew the other thieves were looking for the Swede to reclaim their cut of the money. If they got to him first, they would have learned about Colfax' double-cross and the real location of the loot.

That's from the movie. I never read the Hemingway story.



Well in that case, KANE itself is a ripoff of the 1933 Spencer Tracy film THE POWER AND THE GLORY, about the death of a powerful industrialist whose life is recalled in several segments by those who loved and hated him.

"Take 'em to Missouri"


I got you Zygimantas:) And it's a great question! It would be an interesting exercise to get 5 screenwriters together and have each of them write a feature length story starting with the premise of the opening scene (the Hemingway short). Surely you'd wind up with 5 varied and disparate versions. Imagine what Woody Allen would come up with, over say... Tarantino:)

A lot of strange things happen in this world. Things you don't know about in Grand Rapids.


haha, kind of funny. it took this long for someone to finally address the topic.

