MovieChat Forums > Gilda (1946) Discussion > I'm a straight woman and I think I'm in ...

I'm a straight woman and I think I'm in love with Gilda

Is that wrong?

Rita Hayworth was just SO amazing in this movie. Why don't they make female movie stars like this anymore?


well, I did make one a few years back but the villagers killed her.


Well Rita Hayworth was just gorgeous in this film. Just the absolute pinnacle of movie star glamour and sensuality...


Hey, I hear ya! I've known about three women who have said they would go gay for Angelina Jolie, but me? Now way! She doesn't hold a candle to Rita Hayworth in Gilda. In a word?? WOW!




I am a striaght man, so this is not a stretch ;-) but....She is the kind of woman that you simply CANNOT take your eyes off of.

Personnaly, compared to Monroe, i think Rita had 10 times more talent, and is twice as sexy and beautiful. It's not a knock on Marylin, it's just Rita is GEORGEOUS!!!!


Join the club. ;) Not only was she beautiful, her screen presence was positively electric! I loved her witty double entrendes!


She was an incredible dancer to boot. If you haven't seen "You Were Never Lovelier", your in for a treat. As far as acting, movies like "Gilda" and "Seperate Tables" showcased she had serious acting chops. There is a good documentary on her called "Rita Hayworth:The Love Godess", put together by playboy actually. Narrated by Kim Basinger.

Good actor, great dancer, electric screen presence, and incredibly beautiful. She had it all.

Did i mention was incredibly beautiful :-)
