MovieChat Forums > Gilda (1946) Discussion > Even in black and white....

Even in black and white....

Rita's red hair steals the show! Right, pals?

I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me.


of couse it does. doesnt it always



wow...I thought she was a blonde.

Life,like poker has an element of risk.It shouldn't be avoided.It should be faced.Edward Norton


Right the film was B&W so the red hair didn't matter.
Other cases:
Lucille Ball died her hair RED for "I Love Lucy" a B&W show

In Jezebel (1938) Julie (Bette Davis) wears a RED dress to a BALL
another B&W film (Much as we did see it in the colorized verison)


I thought she was a blonde.

Orson Welles made her dye it blond for The Lady From Shanghai.



For those wondering, her natural hair colour was purple.

