MovieChat Forums > Duel in the Sun (1947) Discussion > regular vs roadshow versions on DVD

regular vs roadshow versions on DVD


I am going to buy this on DVD, and noticed that there are 2 versions. One is the regular version, the other says "Road Show" version.

Can anyone tell me what the difference is, and if it is worth $30 extra to buy the raod show edition?


I just purchased the Region 4 DVD release of this film in Australia on the local MRA label,indicated as being sourced from abc pictures in the US.
Despite the running time of 154 minutes on the CD case, the film itself only ran 124 minutes, which equals about 129 minutes runtime once the Pal speed-up is taken into account. So I can only assume that this was the TV version as indicated here on IMDB. The extras however included the music for the prelude, the overture and the exit music, which brings the running time, if you include all the music, to roughly 144 minutes - which is the running time given by imdb for the roadshow version. So maybe it was the roadshow version, except Amazon describe the roadshow version as running only 130 minutes. But maybe they mean the film content only. Confused? I know I am. What then, is the 138 min version advertised on Amazon? Is this all picture or does it include music as well? Given that imdb gives the original theatrical running time for Duel in the Sun as 138 minutes I suspect that this must be it, as long as this running time does not include any musical extras and is for picture content only. In which case there is 8 minutes of picture missing from the roadshow version which is going to bug me a real lot now that I have bought it(or what I think is it anyway). Can anyone out there give a specific answer on this? Are both versions complete, or have there been cuts made to the film in one. If I were you and the film content was identical in both versions, I certainly wouldn't pay $30 extra for fourteen odd minutes of music. I hope this helps, but I suspect that even after buying my DVD and watching it I am still almost as in the dark as you until someone proffers further information.


Thank you very much for your reply, though I am still utterly confused!

I did end up buying the Roadshow version, though it ended up only costing 11 euros, from an vendor. The run time listed was 129 minutes, and it didn't say anything about extras, so I think I probably am getting the same film you watched.

I found this on the net a little while ago: "In 1947, this special edition of the film was toured prior to its general theatrical release. With 14 minutes of additional material (Prelude, Overture and Exit music), it made the whole movie event a richer, more entertaining experience. It has now been fully restored to its original glory." So it seems the movie is 129 minutes long, with 14 minutes of music, etc added for the roadshow edition. IF the version I ordered has the intor music, etc, then I got the real deal. I am not overly worried now, though, as the price was right.

Did you enjoy the film? I saw it once 20 years ago and loved it! I only hope it is as good as what I remember. Can't wait to see it when it arrives.

Thanks again for your response. I was beginning to think I was the only onewho had any interest in this movie.


Sorry if my reply wasn't much help trex. I still can't help but wonder if there is maybe a 138 minute version of this film, because parts of it seem shorter than when I first saw it on TV years ago, but then again it was a long time ago. My copy has two or three noticeable jumpcuts in it (although none of these suggest deleted material), and I'd be interested to know if you notice the same thing in your copy when you recieve it. I find the film to be visually splendid, but I really can't help but think that Jennifer Jones is a little over the top in it. (Hope you're not a Jennifer Jones fan). Anyway, hope you enjoy watching it again when it arrives.



Hey, Jemkat-

Your reply was a big help, actually! It spurred me on a search to see what versions were available.

After spending far too much time researching this than it was worth, I am convinved that the versions we bought are the longest available, and perhaps ever released in any form.

I found a web page that compared all DVD versions. According to it, 144 minutes (approximately, taking PAL sppedup into consideration) is the accurate run time for the Roadshow version, both in its cinema release and on DVD. The version I ordered got the best grade for its extras, which include commentary by Martin Scorcese.

By the way, I *am* a Jennifer Jones fan, though I don't really know why. She only made a few films in which she gave a credible performance--I guess "Since You Went Away" is enough to make one forgive multiple other acting sins!

Can't wait to see the film when it comes--it should be here in a few days. I'll let you know if it lives up to my memories of it. Thanks again for your input and help.
