MovieChat Forums > Duel in the Sun (1947) Discussion > So Bad I Wasted A Seperate Thread

So Bad I Wasted A Seperate Thread

Selznick was attempting "Gone With The Wind On The Brazos". So he beat Butterfly McQueen about the head and neck until she agreed to say "I don't know nuthin about birthin no wheelchair bound Barrymore". But no, it's about the level of the third season of The Cisco Kid, after they received the cancellation notice.

Movie business hubris at its worst.


No, it's movie bsiness hubris at its best!

This film is so incredibly entertaining, all in ways the filmmakers didn't intent. They wanted a classic, they made a camp classic.

* * * FedEx just took NINE days to send me an "overnight" package. * * *


I'd like to beat you about the head and neck and give you a a swift kick in the nads for good measure! Your type really makes me puke you snotty nosed heap of parrot droppings.


I would LOVE to see the guys to spoof this one! It would be hilarious!

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


On a generous day, this would be a 6 star movie. But for technical aspects like the big 'epic' scenes and some top-notch cinematography, I bumped it up to 7 stars.

Someone as talented as David O. Selznick should have realized that if you're going to go to the time and incredible expense of making an 'epic' movie, you need a spectacular script, which he did not have.
