Orson Welles got paid $125
In his fantastic memoir THIS IS ORSON WELLES, he relates a funny anecdote about this film.
Selznick asked Welles to narrate the beginning of the picture. Orson asked for $35,000. Selznick thought he was nuts, so Welles says, "Ok, $25,000 then." Selznick STILL thought that was too much, so Welles says, "Ok, David, what DO you think It's worth?"
Selznick then proceeded to promise Welles "something great" for Christmas if he'd just do it, so Welles agreed--thinking he'd be fairly compensated with an expensive gift.
Christmas 1946 rolls around and Welles is wondering what Selznick would be sending him--an $18,000 Rolls Royce was what Welles was thinking it would be, or something of similar value.
Turns out Selznick sent Welles a pair of antique dueling pistols, with a certificate of appraisal value of $125!
Orson was more amused than furious. As a dig, the following Christmas, Welles sent Selznick a pair of glass pistols filled with candy to remind him that he would never forget being shafted on his $125 for narrating his epic which grossed more than $20 million at the box office.
Welles said Selznick was furious at the candy, which delighted Welles so much that he repeated his gag gift every year of Selznick's life--right up until he died.
Another funny admission from Welles in his interview with Bogdanovich, "I never saw the picture"