that few westerns even bothered with back then is a story where most of the characters felt authentic. They had backstories. I have seen this picture twice now in the last few years and it has an excellent use of scenery and very good score. It also, is unlike most of what Hollywood was cranking out at the time. While not in the top tier of western fare, it is still more than worth a look all these many years later.
How shall the stars on the cheeks of this mandrill find a number?
You are right, Flutchman. Characterization and authenticity were two of this movie's stong points. The characters dressed and acted like real 19th century people. The period sets and coustumes were very good. Even the firearms were accurate to the period, unusual for a western of that era. They used cap and ball revolvers at a time when reproductions were not available as now. The women wore dresses, rode sidesaddle, and used about five layers fewer of lipstick than was usual for babes in the late 'forties. Atypical of westerns of any period, the hero was a hard-working bussinessman instead of a saddle bum. It was in fact such a good period piece, such an accurate portrayal of frontier life, it almost did not seem like a "western" as we typically use the term.
He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45
I liked the movie, but thought there were far too many characters and they were under developed. Much of the movie was clearly not filmed on location, but in-studio and felt that way. Perhaps I'm just spoiled from watching a bunch of Budd Boetticher's amazing Western movies* last week.
*If you're a Western fan, I sure hope you know who I'm talking about.
I know who Boetticher is, thank you, but I'm not particularly impressed with his movies. The only one of his I find above the crowd of 'fifties Westerns is 7 Men From Now. Highly over-rated director, IMHO. Consider Canyon Passage and many, many others far superior to anything he ever did. But, as I said on another thread, that's what makes horses race.
He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45