MovieChat Forums > The Big Sleep (1946) Discussion > Name 6 actors who played Philip Marlowe ...

Name 6 actors who played Philip Marlowe in theatrical movies???

Bogey, Dick Powell, Robert Montgomery, James Garner, Elliott Gould and (the tough one) George Montgomery.



I prefer the fact that "Movie" Philip Marlowe is the only character who fought (and in a way won) Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarznegger and Stalone!


Err, you left out an easy one: Robert Mitchum.


What Marlowe movies were Sly and Arnold in?


Powers Boothe


Stretching the point a bit, you could add George Sanders -- The Falcon Takes Over (1942) -- and Lloyd Nolan -- Time To Kill (1942).


He maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45
