MovieChat Forums > La Belle et la Bête (1947) Discussion > Was Belle Sexually Attracted to the Beas...

Was Belle Sexually Attracted to the Beast?

The traditional answer (for example, according to Ebert) is yes, but I'm not so sure. It seems like the point of the film was that she was sexually attracted to Avenant but disgusted by him personally, while she appreciated the beast's charm but felt no desire for him. She admits to the beast when he is the Prince that she loved the looks of Avenant, so it reinforces the idea that things were platonic with the beast. Unlike the Disney movie, where Belle's love improves the beast until he is no longer deserving of pity, in this film, love seems to evolve out of pity, and sexuality is a surprising afterthought. After all, Belle's sexual desire for Avenant, the only one the film acknowledges, is completely repressed in the performance.



Great comment. Especially since the sexual element of "woman and beast" is what makes the myth so titillating to mass audiences. The director took a bold chance by staging a courtlier, dreamier fairy tale.


I never thought Belle was sexually attracted to the beast, I thought it was pure love. You put it very well when you say that "sexuality (was) a surprising afterthought."


Good question. I don't know the answer. But don't forget that sexual attraction can sometimes grows out of true love, even when there was no attraction at the first meeting. The beast is an extreme case... but there was something majestic about him. He seemed almost handsome and dashing despite his animal hair. She probably had a severe conflict in her mind, trying to reconcile her deepening love with his horrifying appearance. YR


I don't know about Belle, but I certainly was.
