
I haven't seen this movie yet and I JUST finished the book a few minutes ago and I'm curious, was Francie only played as a child or did they add in her teenage years as well, in this movie?


The same actress (the very talented Peggy Ann Garner) played Francie for the entire film. The movie ends after Francie graduates.

You should check it out, it's pretty good.


kind of disappointing..
ill probably end up watching that movie anyway for class ^^


I don't think they could have fit the whole book into one movie. This is a great film of the first part of her life - only a little 'hollywoodized'. I thought it did a good job of showing what life must have been like for a poor family in New York at that time in history. Hope you enjoy it!


where can I buy the movie, I loved it!!!


You can find it in VHS on eBay sometimes. It's not out on DVD in the USA yet. I had a VHS, and my player ate the tape a couple of weeks ago. We're attempting to buy another copy on eBay and will probably transfer it to DVD just to prevent the tape from wearing out.
