The Names A-dell and Katherine
In the IMDb listing Joan Bennett's character is listed as KathArine, the more common spelling, but in the movie there in a scene in the art gallery where an anouncement of a showing of the paintings identifies the artist as KathErine March. I wonder if there is any significance to this?
Also and more prominently there is the strange way that Edward G. Robinson's character prounces his wife's name. He say it A-dell, with an emphasis on the first syllable. This sounded strange to me as I have always heard this name pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable ahDell. It sounded so unusual to me and for a while I wondered if perhaps my pronunciation was the unusual one. However late in the movie when Chris meets Higgins, his wife's first husband, at the bar we hear Chris using his pronunciation, while Higgins several times uses the more common pronunciation. Again I wonder if there is any significance to this? Perhaps it is marking Chris as an outsider who sees things so differently from others.