Prostitute and pimp?
One of the reviews mentioned that Kitty was a prostitute and Johnny was her pimp. Although it's possible that Lang was hinting at that idea (but clouded ot so as not to upset the censors), I didn't get that vibe.
Sure, Kitty is portrayed as a demonic loose woman, and Johnny sarcastically remarks that she's been "kissed before," meaning she is less than pure. When Chris asks her what job could keep her out so late and she has him guess, probably every mind in the audience is thinking she's a streetwalker. And obviously Johnny exploits her for money, like a pimp would. But I think Lang is only COMPARING her to a prostitute and Johnny to a pimp.
Kitty keeps an apartment with Milly, who won't let her bring other men inside. If she were a prostitute, she'd probably have her own place. Plus Milly remarks that Kitty used to be a model, before she got too snippy and lazy and stopped paying the rent on time. So she had a regular job, which she has basically quit because she's waiting for Johnny to marry her and provide for her.
The prostitute/pimp issue is merely metaphorical. In this specific situation, the way Kitty reels Chris in is prostitute-like, and the way Johnny feeds on Kitty is pimp-like. However, they are not generally a prostitute and a pimp.