This might be a silly question, but what would happen if Dracula bit Larry Talbot? Would he be both a vampire and a werewolf? That could be interesting. And what if Dracula or the Wolfman bit the Frankenstein monster? Would he experience any changes? Back in the 40's it probably would not have worked out too well, makeup wise, but today it might be fun to watch.
After a careful review of the rules for 1940's monster movies, I conclude the following:
1. If Dracula bit Larry Talbot nothing would happen, because Dracula's victims become vampires only if they die from his bite, and a werewolf can't die except from silver. Now if Dracula had dental work with silver fillings - that would be interesting.
2. If the Wolf Man bit Dracula nothing would happen, because you must survive a werewolf bite to become a werewolf, and Dracula is already dead.
3. If the Wolf Man and Dracula bit Frankenstein's Monster nothing would happen, because the Monster is already dead so Dracula's bite can't kill him, and he isn't alive, which is necessary for him to become a werewolf.
If Dracula bit the Wolf Man, it would kill him because no creature can survive if they have all their blood drained out of them.
If the Wolf Man bit Dracula, then he would die because the sunlight would destroy him since he wouldn't be able to make back to his coffin.
If the Wolf Man and Dracula bit Frankenstein's Monster, then you have an unstoppable force like no other monster ever in history. The Monster already has superhuman strength from all the gamma radiation Dr Frankenstein gave him. Hence his green colored skin. He would grow fangs and have claws. Nothing could destroy him