Olympic Leap

One of my favorite film moments: Doctor Edelman, possessed by the contaminated blood of The count has murdered a villager, and the villagers, as villagers will, are in pursuit. Doctor Edelman in a flat out sprint hurdles what looks like a 12 foot fence without breaking stride. Renaldo Nehemiah would have had trouble clearing that fence.


That chase, and that great fence leap, made a big impression on me as a kid. I still have a scar from trying to jump the fence behind my grade school! Watching HoD today I consider it the height of the film.

The stuntman who cleared that barrier was a 31 year old Florida native named Carey Loftin, who would build an amazing resume over the next 40-plus years as one of the great stunt drivers in showbiz. For example, he was the anonymous truck driver pursuing hapless Dennis Weaver in the classic TV movie "Duel". Loftin worked in this capacity well into his seventies; he died at age 83 in 1997.


Thanks for that information! This movie is pure escapist fun, and the leap is surely a highlight.

I'm giving the Universal collections to my grandkids this Halloween.



I thought Lon Chaneys leap into the ocean was more impressive
