My main complaint (Please Read)
I simply can't get into this movie because of the monsters' lack of screen time. All three of the monsters never meet! I know this might sound juvenille, but I wanted to see an epic fight at the end. Even if The Monster, Dracula, and the Wolfman would have simply shaked hands and went their separate ways during one brief scene, I would have been appeased.
I feel sorry for Glenn Strange. I honestly feel that he looked great behind Jack Pierce's legendary makeup. I think he would have made a great monster. But unforunatley, he succumbs to the same fate in HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN. He spends almost the entire movie unconcious while looking threatening. What was the point of enduring all those long hours of makeup for under five minutes of screen time? The Monster comes to life and dies two mintutes later. And most of the fire was borrowed from GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN. Stock footage proved to be the real monster.
Sorry for my rant. I was just wondering if any other Universal Monster fans felt the same way.