Greatest screenplay ever?
I find this to be tied with my ultimate favorite scripts (The Rules of the Game and All About Eve rounding out the top spot). It's so witty, poetic, philosophical and natural-yet-theatrical (which is usually my problem with self-consciously wordy scripts like Network or Juno; they tend to sound too theatrical and "fake" for my liking, but somehow All About Eve and Children of Paradise pull it off while not sounding very naturalistic either).
And at the heart of it, this is the sole reason the movie remains so watchable for me. When I think about it, the plot itself is a bit contrived and soap-opera-ish. So why does it keep my attention for those 3 hours? Because I can just listen to and read that beautiful dialogue. It's like a poem. It isn't so much about content as style and form.
Is this anybody else's favorite script? How does it rank for you? What other movies match or beat it?
By the way, I just watched a screening of the new restoration today. It was ravishing. Looked like it could've been filmed yesterday.