Funny trivia

I've been just going thru the trivia section on IMDb and found this:

The production was overseen by a Catholic priest who served as an advisor during the shooting. While the final farewell sequence was being filmed, Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman decided to play a prank on him. They asked director Leo McCarey to allow one more take, and, as "Father O'Malley" and "Sister Benedict" said their last goodbyes, they embraced in a passionate kiss, while the offscreen priest-advisor jumped up roaring in protest.

Too bad, they didn't make documentaries about the making of the movie back then. This could be the funniest scene on the DVD. I guess, there is no possibility how I could see this scene nowadays? ;-)


I'll bet the crew was in stitches! I would love to see that!


Funny story but this may just be another Hollywood "urban legend." There is a similar story about Robert Mitchum and Deborrah Kerr on the set of "Heavens Knows, Mr. Allison" Check it on the IMDB site for that film. Could they both be true? Or is it just a good story that may or may not have actually happened?


I always get Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison confused with Cape Fear. I'm just gladd that 'sister' Deborah Kerr wasn't alone with Max Cady.


I always get Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison confused with Cape Fear.

How is it possible to confuse these two movies?????...because they both have nun characters?


Deborah Kerr and Robert Mitchum did something even raunchier under similar circumstances. I wish that could have been recorded for posterity as well.


I can see Crosby and Bergman doing that. I was raised Catholic and as a kid I wondered what it would be like to take a vow of celibacy. I knew it wasn't for me and felt the temptation to stray must have been a constant. Anyway I laugh when I think about the priest's reaction.


Ingrid tells the story in her autobiography **spoilers**:

Actually I played an extra gag on Bing and Leo at the end of the picture. It was the very last scene, the last shot we had to do. Sister Benedict is very unhappy because she is being sent away to some health resort, and she thinks it is because she is not good at her job, and no good with the children. Everybody else knows it's because she has TB and until she recovers her health she can't work with the children. In this very last shot, Father O'Malley thinks it better she be told the truth. So Bing tells me, and my face lights up with joy because... TB is nothing compared with thinking that I can't look after the children. I say, "Thank you, Father, thank you with all my heart." And Bing answers, "If you're ever in trouble, sister, just dial 'O' for O'Malley," and I reply gratefully, "Thank you, I will." I walk away, and that's the end of the picture. "Fine," shouted Leo. "That's it. That's great. Wrap it up." But I turned to him and said, "Do you mind? Could I do that scene just once more? I think I could do it just a little better." Leo looked surprised because he knew that the scene was as good as we'd ever get, and the film was finally finished; but being such a nice man he said, "Okay, okay... if you want to. All right, fellas, one more take, here we go..." So that time I said, "Thank you, Father, oh, thank you with all my heart." And I threw my arms around Bing and kissed him right on the mouth. Bing nearly fell down with shock. Everybody stood up. "Cut! Stop the cameras! Cut, for heaven's sake, cut!" The priest acting as consultant came running up, actually running, in a great state: "Now this is going too far, Miss Bergman, we simply can't allow that. A Catholic nun kissing a Catholic father... you can't have such a thing in a movie..." I was already grinning all over my face. Bing was just recovering from the assault, and I looked around and, of course, Leo had caught on and he was laughing his head off. The crew got the joke, too, and now even the priest realized it was all a big joke.

Oh, what I'd give to have seen that!

We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.


Thank you so much for sharing, it's priceless ! ^_^


"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)
