Does anyone else find Father O'Malley too goofy?
I really liked this movie and try to watch it every Christmas. Also, I'm a fan of Bing Crosby, no one sings with such ease. But am the only one who finds Father O'Malley just too goofy? He's not simply a foil for the real star, Ingrid Bergman, to spar with but something of an idiot. Can you imagine any priest just declaring a holiday like that? He's kind & well intended, but couldn't care less about education, whether these kids actually learn anything or not. He's like a kid himself, wanting to make himself popular (the holiday!), not an adult.
I'm a former teacher myself who's had a principal pressure me to pass a student who flunked badly (and done not a tad of work), so naturally didn't find Father O'Malley terribly endearing when he encouraged Sister Benedict to pass Patsy after she failed her exams. Isn't he smart enough to realize that, home problems or not, this wouldn't really have done her any favour long term? He wants the boys to fight it out in response to bullying, a recipe for violent chaos in the playground. Does he ever use his brain? Personally, I feel the good father is likable but far too dumb to ever have passed the seminary!
Oh dear, I'm expecting a deluge of rebuttals! But it's Sister Benedict's movie, not Father O'Malley's. She's kind, loving, and concerned about her students, but responsible and has both educational & behavioural standards that mean something. SHE is an adult, and not concerned with ingratiating herself with her students at the expense of their best interests.