MovieChat Forums > To Have and Have Not (1945) Discussion > Does bogie get into a shootout in the mo...

Does bogie get into a shootout in the movie?

I dont have to have big action all in the movie i just like to see the hero shoot a bad guy Casablanca was perfect so was the big sleep witch had a bit more action. Or does he at least fire a gun i love falcon but was slightly disappointed that there was zero gunplay from bogart. I cant help it i love guns i still loved falcon just felt slight bumed that there was no shoot out though he at least held a gun on a guy. Any way thats all i am asking i am sure i will love the movie regardless it just allows me to not expect it and then be bumed is all hope i did not come off like some dumb kid wanting a shootout every 5 mins.



No, but you are a dumb kid that speaks in run on sentences and can't spell!


Yes, he does. No one will read your posts if you don't make them easy to read. That means taking the time to write in sentences and clarify your thoughts.
