Walter Brennan's walk

Watch how Walter Brennan walks in this movie; he moves like he has a bad case of diarrhea and is desperately trying to make it to the toilet before he has an accident. Definitely one of the funniest things I've ever seen him do.


your description is funnier than his walk... but both are funny...

-- 'you're a good man, sister.' Humphrey Bogart


Walter Brennan's limp may be real. He also had a limp in his 1950's TV show "The Real McCoys."


His limp was a trademark as well as his phony accent. He made the limp look real by putting a rock in his shoe.






I purchased both this and Midnight Cowboy together and was struck by the similarity between Brennen's and Hoffman's limps in in both films. I didn't know about Brennen putting rocks in his shoe to give himself the limp (I always thought that he had a limp in real life), but Hoffman did this to keep his limp consistent in Midnight Cowboy.

My short films:


In the vernacular of the day, they would have said, "He had a hitch in his gitalong". I like that way of describing a limp.


Walter Brennen also walked with a very distinctive limp in Rio Bravo in 1959, which by the way was also directed by Howard Hawks.


Walter Brennan purposely put a stone in his shoe to achieve the 'limp'.

He also did that in 'The Real McCoys'...


My impression was his limping was a byproduct of "the shakes". A drunk's DTs impact both the hands and feet. And, the feet shakes are destintive. You can pick up your leg like normal, but the rest kind-of shivers/lags behind unexpectedly.

If I am correct (and would like to hear feedback) - his acting of a drunk was pretty good. Dean Martin got kudos for doing this in Rio Bravo. Brennen, in this movie, looked like a real drunk to me.



I love the way they exit at the end. Walter is carrying the suitcases, has the limp, and then pauses and does a sharp turn. Too funny.
