Smoking + Littering
It's kind of funny to watch this and know how times have changed.
Almost everyone was constantly smoking. And every empty bottle went in the ocean.
It's kind of funny to watch this and know how times have changed.
Almost everyone was constantly smoking. And every empty bottle went in the ocean.
Yes, I was noticing that a lot at the beginning (that's all I've watched so far). Every dead bottle or dead butt, or dead match was tossed. never saw an ash tray.
"The more you drive, the less intelligent you are"
-- Repo Man
That sort of leads to a line Slim delivers when she and Steve are ducking for cover: "I think I'm sitting on somebody's cigarette." It makes me wonder if that was ad lib, as she extricates the cigarette and tosses it aside. It made me laugh because it's such a throwaway line and doesn't "feel" scripted.
Yes, in the old films, smoking is always shown as rather classy and/or glamorous, giving the person an air of mystery. Too bad actors and actresses make it look so good.
I, too, notice ecologically unfriendly acts in the older films when people truly did not think about consequences of even these fairly small acts against nature. How little we knew.
I don't think a few bottles and fag ends dropped in the ocean is going kill the planet. All the explosions in modern films seems far worse to me.
He said you were'nt fit to live with pigs! And I stuck up for you! I said you were!
luckily more and more of them now are generated with computer:)
shareYes but they look crap.
Whats even more depressing to me is that something so simple has now become an 'issue'. Particularly the smoking. Who wants to live long enough that they get to sh!t in a bag anyway.
shareIt's funny, I was thinking the very same thing when Lauren Bacall threw away the match in the hallway. It must have been a real burden to clean up after all the messy guests.
‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).
Its a public service. They were keeping people in employment.
shareRight, jfk78, dying from lung cancer and/or emphysema sounds so much more enjoyable.
shareIf you breathe long enough that will kill you to. The idea that one may live any longer without smoking related illnesses on the cards ignores the possibility of faith and destiny. I know of more relatively young and healthy people dropping dead nowadays than back in my grandparents day. A higher infant mortality back then to be sure but if one made it to adulthood you were more likely to be on the pigs back in many ways as long as you didnt contract TB or something. Both my grandparents smoked all their lives and lived until their late seventies. They died of old age...not smoking. That was back in the 1980s. Its softer times we live in. That will kill you quicker than smoking from what I have seen. If I do die of a smoking related illness it will probably be the same day I was due to be hit by a bus. Thats my thinking on that anyway.
shareYou call that "thinking", huh? Yeah, whatever....all of the data about smoking is a lie. You sound like the guy I work with who can't walk across the room without sounding like a 40 year old horse that just ran the Kentucy Derby, but he'll be the first to tell you that the three packs of cigarettes he smokes every day have nothing to do with it. You'll always be able to find someone who smoked and lived to be 90; I guess that means that cigarettes are harmless, right? There was a Japanese man who lived through both of the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and he finally died in 2010....that means that atomic blasts won't hurt you either, I guess.
shareHardly Ck1. Nobody has denied that smoking is a killer. I am simply pointing out that when it comes to a life lived none of us has all the answers. Nobody knows whats around the corner. Simply by being alive we have become involved in a game of Russian roulette. How one chooses to play the game is down to the individual. If you dont like smoking fine. I do and if I ever get to a point where I dont then I will go cold turkey. Its my choice and if other people want to run around flapping their arms and getting worked up over it thats fine...thats their choice. I will just sit back...have a cigarette and amuse myself watching them. To paraphrase Eric Idle...remember that the last laugh will always be on us...regardless of how we choose to live.
shareIt's your choice except:
1. when you're within 100 feet of me then I have to inhale that stale, disgusting stench.
2. when you have your inevitable bout with lung cancer and/or emphysema and it raises medical costs and health insurance for everyone else.
3. when my kid sees you sucking a cancer stick and then thinks it's somehow "cool" to have yellow teeth and stink like crap.
Enjoy your coffin nails.
With enough people around there will always be a stench from somewhere. Of course its all terribly harmful to everyone unlike anything else in this consumer culture of mass production. Think I will hammer another one into me.
Who died and made you the Personal Conduct Queen? If you are bothered by someone's cig smoke in a legal, public place where he has a right to smoke, feel free to get up and move. Oh, and BTW, lung cancer and emphysema aren't "inevitable" to smokers. The odds are higher for them, but that's it. And if your kid is more influenced by a random, momentary contact with a stranger than by a lifetime of listening to you, that speaks more about your parenting skills than about the pluses and minuses of smoking. Just saying...
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
Spoken like someone who only thinks of himself instead of others. A hallmark of most people today, unfortunately. You do realize cigarette smoke is, well, smoke. It does not stay confined to one area. This is why a smokers' clothes, hair, house, etc... all smell like garbage. Is it a coincidence that sellers of almost every eBAY item sold say "from a smoke-free home"?
Funnily enough, you say the non-smokers have a right to move. Yet the smokers are all being pushed to the curb outside in the cold because their "habit" is so disgusting no one wants to be near them. The trend is to make the smokers move, not the other way around.
You also don't seem to have any grasp of children, peer pressure, the desire to go against ones' parents that most kids have, etc... Many children too ignorant and young to have seen family members die horrible cancerous deaths make foolish choices.
I'm sorry to hear it's not inevitable. Perhaps they'll eventually put more poisons in them so it will be inevitable. Just saying...
What I think about is LIBERTY. FREEDOM. If you want to live in a completely controlled environment, where personal choices aren't necessary, shoot yourself, and reincarnate as an ant.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
I choose to stay healthy and would like the freedom to remain that way. Can't do it with blacklungs tarring it up and sucking down coffin nails near me, not only affecting my health but raising health care costs unnecessarily.
If you live in a city your drinking water is controlled. Would you really be happy if piles of fat and cholesterol were put into that drinking water at the discretion of a minority who prefer to remain unhealthy?
Yikes! Based on your health preferences, I'm afraid you would!
If you choose not to smoke, and to not frequent places that allow smoking, that is your choice. Your allegory of drinking water is not a good one, since no one wants to "put fat" in the water, and I'm not sure why you think anyone would. BTW, I never said I smoke cigarettes, I said that people have the right to smoke cigarettes, whether you and I like it or not. You can ban smoking from your home, but not from someone else's home. Enjoy your caged, controlled life, ant.
"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae
Sorry. I thought you were the original person I was having the discussion with who said they proudly smoke. I didn't notice you were a new person chiming in back there.
no one wants to "put fat" in the water, and I'm not sure why you think anyone would
I didnt realise that this topic was still going. I am the original poster and I dont proudly smoke. I simply enjoy smoking. Thats my choice and no one elses business. If you want to stop me smoking because it effects your health then I would suggest that you march on your government and demand that your civilisation be disbanded and your cities vacated so that Mother Earth can reclaim them. With all the pollutants and poisons in modern society you may not be sure which one is earmarked for your toe tag...its best not to take any chances. We will all go live in the hills where its safe.
shareBack to the original topic:
While I cringe every time Walter Brennan throws his empty beer bottle into "the ocean", I thought it was funny that Mr Johnson even comments on that fact - albeit because he was unhappy that he lost the deposit on that bottle, not because he thought dumping stuff into the sea was bad.. :)
Not that I'd recommend using the ocean as a garbage-dump, but at least throwing a glass bottle into the ocean isn't half as bad as throwing plastic into it. A glass bottle will most probably just sink to the bottom of the ocean and stay there, while plastic products will float on the surface and most likely cause a lot more damage when fish get entangled in them or swallow them.
And re. throwing cigarettes overboard? Not sure about modern, filtered butts (which I always collect and bring back with me for disposal on land when I'm out fishing on the ocean), but in this time-frame (early 1940s), we're talking about non-filtered cigarettes. And those are basically just plant-leaves and processed wood (tobacco & paper) - both of which should degrade rather quickly.
All in all however, I think this is just another case of judging perfectly "acceptable/normal" behavior of a by-gone era by today's sensibilities and knowledge. People back then probably just didn't know any better. You might as well get excited over characters driving cars without catalytic converters, burning leaded fuel in any pre-1970s movie. This is not a case of behavior which could/should have been viewed as wrong/harmful/immoral even back then - like making little kids work in coal-mines or being able to own human beings as slaves.
You people who want to regulate everyone's life " for their own good" are idiots. Leave me alone. No one lives forever, no matter what you outlaw. People smoke, drink, eat whatever they want and die just like people who exercise, eat healthful foods(?) and live blaa lives.
shareI agree, alcohol is going up in price, cigarettes are pegged to go up a tonne to try and make people quit. Soon we'll have a situation where it's cheaper to buy black market where it's not even regulated or controlled, actually it's already begun. Way to go. Nanny state? 1984?
Soon there will be no smoking in bars and then no drinking and no talking, to quote the Izzard.
I love to hear smokers try to justify killing themselves. "Oh, first they'll outlaw smoking, and the next thing you know, they'll outlaw toilet paper!". Right.....laws that regulate something that's harmful always lead to other laws that will outlaw talking. I don't give a sh!t if you want to sit in your house, or your yard, or your car and suck on cancer sticks until you can't breathe, but sitting next to people in a public place and doing it doesn't prove that you're a "free spirit", or "living free", it only proves that you're an inconsiderate asswipe. You can't even compare public drinking to public smoking, since the alcohol one person drinks doesn't seep into the system of someone else in the same room; I've yet to hear of anyone falling ill from the effects of seconhand beer. For a drinker to be on the same level as a smoker, he'd have to burp and fart in your face, and then pour some of his drink on your shirt.
sharealthough I agree with your assertion that smoking is bad... Im wondering how great it must be to be you.. so perfect.. assuming you never speed in your vehicle, never ran a stop sign, never drink alcohol, red meat, etc etc etc..
enlighten us, oh perfect one.. on with your lecture..
-- 'I dont mind a reasonable amount of trouble.' Humphrey Bogart, The Maltese Falcon
Where did I say that I don't drink alcohol or eat red meat? You missed the whole point of my post, WHICH IS.......I don't care what sort of self destruction you choose, as long as it doesn't affect others. I even stated that a drinker can't transfer the alcohol he/she ingests to the person standing next to him/her, unlike cigarette smoke. Fail reading comprehension in elementary school? Feel free to make up more facts not in evidence, though....
shareActually, noobzilla was replying to MY post. Although, similar to you, I didn't mention anything about driving, alcohol, or red meat either so I have no idea what it's talking about. Although, I don't really do any of the things he mentioned (except occasionally eat red meat because it IS food and I do ingest things that give me sustenance). Maybe I AM perfect! Thanks for the compliment, noobzilla.
shareBoth my grandparents smoked all their lives and lived until their late seventies. They died of old age...not smoking.
those cigarettes , bottles , etc. are called PROPS.
and that ocean is called 'THE SET'.
lol @ the analysis.
btw, I seen Rambo kill at least 500 people, blow up 75 buildings, 233 trees, 10 aircraft , and litter the ground with thousands of shell casings..
-- 'you're a good man, sister.' Humphrey Bogart