A Tenement?

When the Family is moaning about moving to New York, and one of them makes the comment that Families like them would end up living in a tenement, that was a little melodramatic wasn't it? Father was a Lawyer with five Kids, one He's putting through College, living in a quiet neighborhood in a beautiful Victorian Home, with a live in Maid, and an elderly Parent that they've taken in. That tenement comment was an attempt to scare the Family so they wouldn't change their minds about moving.


Yes, they were trying to make New York sound scary and awful. It was a way of injecting a little conflict into what was a pretty conflict-free movie. (Unless you count Tootie pulling out John Truitt's hair.)


I had seen on TCM a special on this Movie, that New York was supposed to be the villain


I was always thought that line was over the top as well. The Day family in "Life With Father" lived in a very nice home and I would assume the Smith's would live in something comparable.

Get me a bromide - and put some gin in it!


I think they were just projecting their worst fears on the situation. I think any world outside of St. Louis was terrifying to them. JMO.



I'm sure that the family wouldn't have moved into a tenement if they did go to New York, but perhaps there was a kernel of truth that was exaggerated upon. Given New York prices, the family probably would have had to exchange their big house for rather tight living quarters.
