MovieChat Forums > Meet Me in St. Louis Discussion > TROLLEY SONG and HALLOWEEN sequence dele...

TROLLEY SONG and HALLOWEEN sequence deleted for TV broadcast.

This was amazing. LA in the 70s had an afternoon film that was hosted by a nice gent who loved films. They ran MMISL one afternoon and he mentioned that two terrific things were coming up in the film - the TROLLEY SONG and the HALLOWEEN sequence. Sadly, no one told him that the TV station had cut those 2 items for time! I wrote him a letter (!) afterwards asking him if he was embarrassed and he replied and said that he was majorly embarrassed and had had words with the people in charge.



I, too, saw this broadcast. I believe it was 1980. It was Ben Hunter's
Matinee on KTTV channel 11. He was on for years. In the early to mid
'70's he used to run his films at noon entirely uncut (although they
ran three hours, due to commercials and even an adoption segment!!).

Hunter was very warm, very classy. He would be sitting in his living
room set (remember the fish tank behind him?), casually dressed with
a cup of coffee.

Sad note: In December, 1980, Hunter died of a heart attack on a Monday
or Tuesday evening. He had appeared THAT DAY, running a Joseph Cotton
picture. I remember watching him discuss Cotton. Then hearing on the
L.A. news that he had died that night.

By the way, it was in 1980 that they cut Ben Hunter's Matinee down to
a two-hour format. Suddenly, his film were cut to pieces in order to fit
the time frame.

Ahhh...memories indeed!! Funny that you and I would remember this
horrible cut to "St. Louis." Anyway, he loved Judy Garland and would run
a lot of her pictures ("The Clock", "For me and My Gal", "Girl Crazy").
He once told a story of how he was a graveyard disc jockey in L.A. and
that Judy would call him in the middle of the night, looking for someone
to chat with, due to insomnia and loneliness.


Great post and thx for the info. Guys like him are now long gone it seems.


O.k. we just watched the TCM broadcast today, and they cut part of the Halloween scene. We definitely remember they showed the girls putting the "body" on the tracks, and John Truitt trying to get Tootie away. But it was cut! Is it also cut on dvds?


I've seen this movie many times on TV and own the DVD's and I've never seen Tootie putting the body on the tracks


As many times as I've seen this, I don't recall seeing those scenes. I always assumed it was off camera, with the lady on the tracks, and John Truitt saving Tootie.
