When they are making the ketchup - yuk
everybody is tasting it from the spoon in the pan and then puts it back in the pan. yuk. when I was younger I didn't even think about things like that, but NOT NOW. I don't care if it is family.
shareeverybody is tasting it from the spoon in the pan and then puts it back in the pan. yuk. when I was younger I didn't even think about things like that, but NOT NOW. I don't care if it is family.
shareYes that's disturbing to me as well. I was watching an episode of Golden Girls and the ladies kept tasting the sauce Sophia made. Blanche went so far as to dip bread into the sauce.
Things like that are really disgusting to me. Like people who repeatedly lick frosting off an entire cake.
And here I am thinking the heat of the cooking will kill off all the germs!
When you have a family,pretty much "their germs are your germs"
"Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"
People weren't so germ conscious (phobic?) in 1903.
shareGosh, it's really no big deal. I've often seen mothers chew up food, put it on a spoon, and then feed it to their toddler, although it was a lot more common when I was a kid than it is now. Practices like that actually help to build a child's immunization from environmental diseases. And it's not widely known that we all carry around about ten pounds of bacteria in and on our bodies where ever we go. A tiny little bit more from a spoon won't kill you.....unless, of course, your antibodies are compromised already by cancer or from some other disease. But then you have a lot bigger problems than eating from somebody else's spoon.
shareWhat do you think of this? One time a friend of my mom's went to a party, and the guy was cutting the cake, and he licked the knife and put it back in the cake. My mom's friend happened to see it, and when she was offered a piece she refused. The the man's wife said to her (not knowing what her husband did) "Don't you want a piece? It's fresh cake, I just bought it." My mom's friends response was just "No thanks, I'm not hungry."
shareHaha, that's what I would have said too :)
shareI had to do that with any meat other than ground beef when my son was little. He loved meat, but had problems chewing until he had more molars. Didn't want baby food though...
shareThat is why the number one killer in those days was infectious disease. People did not know about germs and hand hygiene. Very few doctors even washed their hands.
shareVery few doctors even washed their hands.
I'm with you. I don't know quite how my children got so germ phobic. Really grosses them out to share a drink. When they were little that was standard practice.
sharePeople became germophobic because others educated the foolish on how sickness spreads. ESPECIALLY back in 1903, when illnesses we now vaccinate for or treat routinely with antibiotics could become epidemic and major killers, I would think an intelligent family would be more germ-conscious. Polio, measles, chicken pox, TB...hell, even a simple flu could be a killer in 1903.
And today, when the next strong strain of flu, be it avian or swine, starts hospitalizing those with weaker immune systems, I'm not sure why you'd want anyone, especially little ones, sharing food.
People are grossed out when they see people sharing a spoon or licking a knife. But if you eat prepared food from a store or a restaurant you are trusting that it hasn't been tainted accidentally or on purpose. We have to take a lot of stuff on faith.
shareIt's true; prepared food could easily be a germ factory. But often, the contamination can come before cooking or during cooking, which could kill most pathogens. Even contaminating something and then letting it sit for a time could kill certain ones that don't live long outside the body. But sharing or licking a utensil, there's just no time lapse for any germ to die.
Now don't get me started about the health risks of kissing! lol
They didn't have bottled ketchup back then, like they do now. Plus, they're all family. I don't think people worried so much about cooties back then...
You once wriggled out of your mother's vagina, but you wouldn't use the same spoon?
Seek help. Seriously. You've got issues.
Lol Reminds me of Little House On The Priaire where everyone drinks out of the same water barrel. The whole town shares the water rain barrel and dipper. Ew!