6/10. Here's why:
A lot of the main characters in MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS have a scene where they become unlikeable. The exception is TOOTIE SMITH, who’s unlikeable most of the time. The production is well-made, the acting is good and some of the songs are cheesy but catchy. Unfortunately, it feels like watching the edited version of a mini-series. While there is one main storyline (a father being offered a job in another city and the family has to move), there are too many other things going on. Everytime the movie went back to that, I thought “Oh, right! I forgot!” Actually, a movie shouldn’t have to go back to a plot in the first place!
You can read comments of other movies at http://vits-ingthemovies.blogspot.cl/2016/05/comments-round-up-april-2016.html
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