MovieChat Forums > Laura Discussion > Mistakenly Labeled a "Whodunit"

Mistakenly Labeled a "Whodunit"

A great film, but it's obvious to anyone with even average intelligence
who the killer is. So obvious, in fact, that I don't even feel
Preminger or the scriptwriters were attempting a "whodunit." The film
has just oddly been labeled such in 70-plus years.


It's a whodunit-noir.

I don't see what's wrong with calling this film a whodunit.

I adore whodunits, and there are a number of them which are very predictable. In fact, there is one famous whodunit (considered to be one of the best ever) which I was able to predict within minutes of starting it. Not only did I figure out whodunit, but I knew exactly how it was done. Yet others have said that they had no idea who did it and how. It just depends on the perspective. (The novel I'm thinking of is The Poisoned Chocolates Case. I forget the author.)

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


We'll have to agree to disagree. The film is masterful, but the best
"whodunits" manage to create a suspense where a good portion of the
audience is scrambling to figure out who "done" it. I don't believe
this film succeeds at this element, but, as I wrote, I don't believe
Preminger was aiming for this. He is much more concerned with
the various layerings and textures of a very complex group of (mostly)
awful Manhattanites. I don't even think the so-called "Twist" mid-
movie is a surprise (and, anyhow, didn't the trailors reveal this???).


The whodunit isn't the biggest aspect of this film, for sure, but it's still there. The movie is based on a novel which is a whodunit.

I agree with you about the so-called "twist" where Laura isn't dead after all. However, that part isn't a twist because it's been used in a number of whodunits.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


I've never read the novel, so I have only the film to go by. And, yes,
I stick by my belief that the killer is flat-out obvious from his first
comments (off screen) and from the moment we meet him. Even middle-
schoolers would deduce such a thing.


Funny thing is....I have figured out the endings of much tougher mysteries than this one. With this film, it was somewhat obvious, but I wasn't completely sure. It all depends on the perspective, I suppose.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


By the way, here is another example of different folks being able to figure out the endings of different mysteries: on another board, I had mentioned that some Cornell Woolrich mysteries are too predictable. Well, let's just say that a couple of folks strongly disagree with me. One person was even kind enough to recommend one of his radio plays, saying that the ending is surprising. Turns out that I have already heard that radio play and I had no trouble figuring out the ending. It's just different perspectives, that's all.

I had trouble figuring out the ending of the Korean mystery Mother, even though the ending was practically spelled out for the viewers throughout the entire film. That's just how it goes sometimes.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


Interesting you mention Mother, great movie, watched it just before I saw Laura. I was a little disappointed I didn't guess 'who it was' but I guess that's good film making. I didn't guess who here either but given some other threads on this board there seems to be some incredible theories!


I'm still amazed that I didn't clue in to who was the killer in Mother. That one should have been very obvious to me. And yes - excellent filmmaking there.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡



...and if I had brought up these spoilers on the CFB or Film General, then it would be right for others to tell me that I had spoiled the film for them. I would like to kindly point out that this is the board for Laura. It's intended for those who want to discuss the film. Spoilers about Laura are allowed on this board.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡



I know that you aren't trying to make trouble, but the point is that this is the board for the film LAURA. People are going to come here to discuss this film. That will mean that there will be spoilers.

If people haven't seen the film yet and they have questions about the film, then they can start their own threads with their questions and request that no spoilers be provided. They can look at other threads after seeing the film.

All of this applies to me as well. If I visit a board for a film which I haven't seen, I can expect to come across spoilers. Therefore, I don't visit boards for films which I haven't seen, unless for reasons of my own, I want spoilers.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


Get sick of people complaining about seeing spoilers in the message section, partially from people who have actually seen the movie, they seem to be the most vocal. Do what I do, use common sense and don't look at the message board until after you have watch the movie. It's just "common sense".

