Read the book a long, long time ago, and I don't remember if it was mentioned therein. If she, in fact, was not given one, I guess that would add to the mystery surrounding her.
"No, I don't like to cook, but I have a chicken in the icebox, and you're eating it."
The title name, Rebecca, refers to the dead first wife, whose married name was de Winter. Joan Fontaine's character, of course, takes the name de Winter when she marries. It is true, we are never told her maiden name, but what is truly odd is that we are never even told her Christian name. It is never mentioned.
For heaven's sake, Alicia - you're one of those people who ask the most ridiculously redundant questions on these boards.
You're here, on the IMDB, aren't you?
If you've reached this point, surely you will have seen that there is a cast list - which tabulates the name of the actors alongside their character's names?
Then why don't you first consult the list, and if, in the unlikely case that you don't find your answer there, you may as a last resort here and ask.
In this case, it's right at the top of the list...
I guess you didn't see my reply to Gubbio, on May 29, 2015, admitting my heinous boo boo.
Oh, now I get it.
Don't you just love it when people don't read the entire thread, then they post their childish drivel -- and accuse YOU of being the idiot?
I had this discussion with someone online once. They said they felt under no obligation to read the entire thread. They just barged in with their message -- repeating the answer to a question that had already been answered.
I countered with: These are DISCUSSION boards, and if one wants to participate, she should try to keep up.
I seem to recall having that conversation with someone. Maybe it was with you.
The boards aren't work and they aren't school. I'm here to kick back, relax, and to tune out reality for a little while. I'll read whatever I please before responding. ξ¦ If that earns me an F on the "CFB report card", so be it. ξ¦
I seem to recall having that conversation with someone. Maybe it was with you.
The boards aren't work and they aren't school. I'm here to kick back, relax, and to tune out reality for a little while. I'll read whatever I please before responding. If that earns me an F on the "CFB report card", so be it.
And, if you proceed with your method, you always come off looking stupid.
Once an idiot, always an idiot.
Is that a chip on your shoulder -- or just your head ? ξ