For WFarley

Saw this and thought of you and your dad: tml

Boy, things have been quiet on this board. Did anyone see The Imitation Game, and was it any good?


hilaryjrp, boy, have I been gone from this board for that long? Sometimes the threads just slip away from me. Anyway, thanks so much for the link. Yeah, sadly, WWII vets are dwindling to a precious few. I wish I had been more attentive to the stories my father told about his experiences. One thing I do remember him saying is that his base got one of the first Coca-Cola machines in the country, which in the Southern heat was very popular.


hilaryjrp, boy, have I been gone from this board for that long?

Reveille, young feller! 

By the way, wrfarley, your avatar is the best I have ever seen in twenty years online. Where did you get it? In so many ways it's the story of my life. 


Thank you, hilaryjrp. Color me stupid, but what is an "avatar?"


How did I miss this! Your avatar is the lovely slumbering senior citizen, whose size at least on my screen is gender-neutral . The best.


Ha! Avatar, how do I miss these things? It is a he, and he is in repose.


The Imitation Game was good but not in this league. Take my advice and watch Codebreaker on Netflix. Better and the truth not dressed up to please audiences


I agree. In retrospect, "The Imitation Game" was rushed and not suspenseful. I'll have to get Netflix again!
