I have never read such bs anywhere as what you write! The music was FALSE. That is why Wyler hated it. It was pretentious crap. Turning an engine mount on an aircraft wing into a screeching Satanic explosion was false. The engines were removed to be put to better use. There was no drama in 4 empty engine mounts. That was FAKE. It made hearts beat in the audience, but not because an engine fell off or even broke. It was simply removed. Dull, but true. To write wild music that I expected Astaire to burst on the scene to perform a modern dance in orange and black, was false. THAT is not what we were seeing. The planes were about to be recycled for housing. Oooooh! Booga booga!
Accusing metrosexuals of ANY responsibility for veteran suicides is obscene. If anyone has nothing at all to do with this issue, I think you found them! You ought to be ashamed of yourself for minimizing the struggle of people who cannot find an alternative way to stop their hurt. They are suffering so much, and for you to turn it into some sort of evidence in a social campaign to regress to an earlier historical period people mistakenly believe would be easier, simpler, or more in keeping with some religious or social ideal is hideous. Do you believe God causes hurricanes to punish women's "libbers?" Or to punish gays? That's what it sounds like...the same ignorant thinking that caused the Inquisition to spread, witches to be burned, hung, drowned...
A study of suicides by U.S. veterans (not state national guardsmen, or the number could be even higher according to CNN) a few years ago revealed that 22 veterans commit suicide every day! The number indicates a huge surge in Vietnam era vets killing themselves as they retire, and cannot get the specific help they need to transition from one identity to another. 69% of veterans committing suicide nationally are aged 50 or older. This completely destroys your argument that metrosexuality returning vets face is too big a burden to deal with...whatever you made up.... These vets have been back in the States for a very long time. Much more serious issues are at play. Longtime marriages are breaking up, families are grown, are out of the house, and the men simply give up. They lived with the stress of memories of terrible violence for so long and can't stand any more of it.
Combat stress and military sexual assaults also are cited as causes of suicide attempts. Female veterans commit suicide at a ratesix timesthat of their civilian counterparts, placing them on a par with male veterans, which is not the case among women in the general population, who attempt suicide much less often than their male counterparts (5.2 women per 100,000 to 20.9 per 100,000 men, annually), according to the L.A. Times. http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-female-veteran-suicide-20150608-story.html The Pentagon released a report that 23% of female active duty personnel had suffered a sexual attack. Which combination of statistics is frightening--and disprove any link to "metrosexuals."
Gulf War I veterans are continuing to experience excruciating symptoms of the Gulf War Syndrome that the V.A. refused to acknowledge for years. And as trauma injury treatment has improved, lives are being saved that we are not prepared to treat in the long term, medically and esp mentally, emotionally. Some argue the number of suicides is much lower, esp for Gulf War 2 vets, but many more--those who have performed significant research on the topic--claim the actual figure is much higher because so many Gulf War 2 vets are outside the V.A. system--their experiences won't be part of any study using V.A. numbers. They were state national guardsmen.
Experts point out that homeless people often aren't counted among vets committing suicide, because they lack ID. Suicide by cop is not included in the numbers either. Vets are committing suicide at a rate much much higher than their presence in the population. The suicide rate for veterans increased 2.6%--double that for the rest of the population--between 2005 and 2011. Nearly one in five suicides nationally is a veteran, although they make up only 10% of the population. Veterans commit suicide at a rate of about 30 for 100,000 in the population. Non-veterans commit suicide at a rate of about 14 per 100,000 of population, placing veterans at slightly more than double the rate of non-vets... All these figures were compiled by CNN http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/21/us/22-veteran-suicides-a-day/ 30% of veterans from Iraq and Gulf Wars have contemplated suicide, and 45% know someone who has attempted it.
Suicide is NOT something anyone does because a guy in NYC or California waxes his chest, or uses a face cream! Or because a woman wants a construction job. It is a decision that is made for very personal reasons. It's a helpless response to overwhelming pain. A complete lack of alternative ways to stop the pain. People don't commit suicide in response to strangers' behavior--or there would be so many more, and few of us would survive to adulthood. Ask the veterans themselves. They report that they suffer greatly as a result of what goes on inside of their heads after they return from combat. Memories of people being killed that they cannot escape. Painful memories, painful injuries. They could not care less about metrosexuals--in fact may be metrosexuals themselves. I posted this info to try to compensate for the foolishness of blaming any group for something far more serious.