Vincent's dinner

Dream meals have changed much in 70+ years. This could be had at any upscale steakhouse today:

Vincent Van Der Lyn: Can I have butter, as much butter as I want?
Vincent's Waiter: Certainly sir. What else
Vincent Van Der Lyn: Don't rush me please. I want white bread, lots of butter. Steak, that thick, medium rare. Sauce moyeunaise. Lyonnaise potatoes, green salad. Do you have any Holland cheese?
Vincent's Waiter: Yes senor. Edam and Gouda. Germans sell us lots of it
Vincent Van Der Lyn: Then I won't have it. And for dessert, ah, Crepe Suzette made with good Dutch Curaçao. And coffee, real coffee.
Vincent's Waiter: Will that be all senor?
Vincent Van Der Lyn: I have been planning this dinner for three years.


It sounds delicious. Poor Vincent never even got to eat his dream meal.
