Francois touched the disease-ridden clothes in the barrow
So he could have contracted something. Anyone here agree?
shareSo he could have contracted something. Anyone here agree?
Or Our Lady cured him, without his noticing, of any disease in the clothes
What bugs me about this incident about him burning all the "stuff that's full of infection and disease" is that when he comes home he doesn't even wash his hands. He just climbs into the bed with all his clothes on with all the germs he contracted on that job. I know its only a movie but Louise should have told him to wash himself the way she told her two grimy little sons.
You make a good point.
But, don't forget, those scenes were depicting 1858.
They were not like we are today (2015), where people wash their hands every second and have hand cleanser/sanitizer everywhere you look.
Back then, they probably didn't understand the importance of washing hands. Their ideas of infectious disease, disease transmission, etc., were primitive when compared to today.
Yeah, that gave me the creeps, but people back then were exposed to so many things perhaps he developed immunity.