MovieChat Forums > The Mad Ghoul (1943) Discussion > I resent IMDB's lead review.

I resent IMDB's lead review.

I would never have thought of this film as a gay statement and I don't appreciate IMDB highlighting this reviewer's slant on the film. It's a B horror film-no more no less. Please keep your sexual agenda out of these reviews.


I agree that the reviewer has read way too much into this straightforward horror story. I wouldn't even mind a bit of subtext, but there simply isn't anything in the movie that would suggest George Zucco's character to have any kind of romantic or sexual interest in Ted whatsoever. He barely cares about him as a person at all. He simply uses him as a means to an end, and that end certainly isn't Ted's caboose.

But anyway, that review is just someone's opinion on a movie. No need to take offense.


I was just annoyed that it was IMDB's featured review. I don't think it is any longer.


IMDb's lead review right now is a charming story about a guy that played hooky from school.

I too would be PO'd if their lead review had to do with a gay agenda.
I haven't read the review you're referring to (I haven't really looked) so I'm afraid my response is somewhat ignorant in that respect.

I actually came to this site because this movie is gonna be on MeTV this Saturday and I try to check out what others have written prior to watching the flick.

Anyway, I completely agree with your assessment.

"Don't you worry. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it"


Geez, right after I wrote my reply, the lead review changed! It's not the "gay" review that was mentioned but it's different.

It'll probably change again when I return.

"Don't you worry. If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it"


There are people that think everything in life is about 'them'. I see it over and over again on IMDB, people seeing evil or hidden Gay Agendas that most wouldn't see.
We get it, your gay and think your in some special club. I think the movie shows Hollywoods hatred and mistrust of Evil Scientists.


We get it, your gay and think your in some special club.

What you don't get is how to spell. In this context, it's you're, not your. Being gay IS being a member in a special club, and thank God you're not amongst the roster.


Oh come now, Bruce...


Yes, I thank God I’m not in the club, especially considering the high dues: higher rates of STDs, higher rates of HIV/AIDS, higher rates of rectal warts, colo-rectal cancer, hemorrhoids and anal seepage, plus the ever-popular prolapsed rectum. The poo-poo on the pee-pee isn’t much of a selling point, either.
