MovieChat Forums > Captive Wild Woman (1943) Discussion > anyone else want the lion tamer to get e...

anyone else want the lion tamer to get eaten?

Was tired of watching him beat animals and making them fight to their possible deaths.
Was hoping the APEwoman was gonna break his spine.
I guess in the 1940s people were excited to see such crazy footage.
According to the IDMB trivia its all cut from another movie.
Combine that with the face that Cardine was as noboday at the time and the studio had themselves quite a cheap budget for this movie. Kind of barely a horror movie though.


The animal footage depressed me too.


I'M WITH YOU, K-MAN ! Didn't they have any Animal Cruelty Laws then ? ! ?

I feel the same way about bull fighting. I used to love the bull fighting scenes in those old Tyrone Power movies, UNTIL I found out that the poor bull is killed at the end of the fight ! I didn't know that, because in the movies
they don't show the actual thrust of the sword in the poor bull's body, the
camera goes to the faces of the people in the stadium as they're cheering and applauding. All I thought the bullfighter did was wave the red blanket at him....and on top of all that, I found out that if the bull wins and knocks down the bullfighter, or knocks the sword out of his hand, then another bullfighter is waiting in the wings to come running out and kill him.


No, they didn't have those laws. When we saw this recently on Svengoolie, he made a point of discussing that.


There was too much of the lion and tiger taming footage and too little movie. They assembled a very good cast and then didn't use them.



The lion tamer getting eaten would have made it a much better movie. It's amazing bullying animals was considered entertainment.
