Goofs explained....

Hey there all, okay the Goofs feature on IMDB is so interesting I thought I'd have a little fun and make up some reasons for why some of the goofs occured in the film. Hang on to your Star Spangled Top Hats cause here we go!

Anachronisms: In the "You're A Grand Old Flag" number, which supposedly takes place in the 1906 production of "George Washington Jr.," we see a group of Boy Scous march onto the stage. The Scout Movement was founded in 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell in England and wasn't founded in the United States until 1910.

Answer for this: Well you see a little known fact about the Scout movement is that they came across on the Mayflower. They were doing their good deeds for the day by using their little bodies to plug up any leaks on the ship, the settlers were so happy they reached America alive they forgot to tell the Boy scouts until 1910 who were still on the ship waiting.

Continuity: In the dressing room scene, just before Albee's visit, Jerry Cohan wraps a scarf around his neck while he's talking to George and leaves one end outside of his dressing gown. In the next shot, the scarf is tucked in.

Answer for this: By this time the guy was rich, RICH I TELL YOU, and an stage hand rushed in and tucked the scarf in for him and then ran out before the camera focused.

Factual errors: In a newspaper photograph, the Lusitania has two funnels instead of four.

Answer for this: This was before the great Funnel Fall, that happened as an Omen for the one paid any attention.

Anachronisms: In the "You're A Grand Old Flag" number, which supposedly takes place in the 1906 production of "George Washington Jr.," an African-American chorus pays tribute to a backdrop image of Abraham Lincoln, seated in a chair. The Lincoln image is taken from Daniel Chester French's sculpture for the Lincoln Memorial. This sculpture was not completed until the opening of the Lincoln Memorial in 1922.

Answer for this: Weeell, they used a cake like proto-type, and it was cake like so they could position it easier and then the entire crew had cake to eat after they were done using it.

Factual errors: When George arrives at the White House he walks up a set of stairs to reach the oval office. At the end of the movie, he dances down the same flight of stairs. The oval office is in the West Wing and on the ground floor.

Answer for this: He talked for so long they decided to make a few renovations at the white house and moved the entire oval office. They didn't tell him or the President cause they didn't want to disrupt the story.


LOL! I enjoyed your post.


The Lusitania incident occurred in 1915. The scene is clearly set from shows in headlines as being 1917. I think they wanted to make the Lusitania more of a "Pearl Harbor" type of sudden attack. This was within weeks of Pearl Harbor, of course, as the film was being shot. There are some errors like this, but biopics always must take liberties to consolidate and condense.


Okay um, Deuchler, I appreciate you pointing out the goof and stuff but my post is totally meant as a joke. Excellent job looking past humor and seeing logic though, yup, kudos to you, kudos.


To iractimothy,
Glad to see there is still some humor in the world. Seems way too many people are just cynical about everything on these posts. Belated thanks for a bit of humor.


In that "Grand Old Flag" number the flag has 48 stars. At that date there
were only 45 states. Oklahoma #46 in 1907, New Mexico and Arizona #'s 47
and 48 didn't come into the Union until 1912.
That is probably due to the prop department not being able to come up with
a lot of 45 star flag or at least a 46 star flag. They just used what they
(48 star flags) had because of this.
