other Cagney musicals?

Aside from Yankee Doodle Dandy, Footlight Parade, Something to Sing About, Never Steal Anything Small, Love Me or Leave Me, and West Point Story, does anybody know any other musicals with James Cagney? I feel like I've found them all. I wish that he had done more, he's an amazing singer and dancer, and seeing as he started out as one, I expected him to do more. And seeing as I first saw Jimmy in his "tough-guy" roles, I never get tired of seeing Cody Garrett singing and dancing. It's incredible. Not in a funny way, just incredible to see how versatile Jimmy is. Truly, the greatest actor of the Classic Hollywood Era in my opinion.


In "Taxi" 1932, he does some impromptu tap dancing, and teams up with Loretta Young in a ballroom dance competition against none other than George Raft!

Cagney recreates his Cohan role in Bob Hope's "The Seven Little Foys" 1955. Cagney and Hope have an enjoyable scene where they try and top each other by dancing on a table, then they do a delightful duet soft shoe dance. It's the best part of that movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOoNOs8Ql28

I think Cagney also did some dancing in "Man Of A Thousand Faces".

Absurdity: A Statement or belief inconsistent with my opinion.


He does do some dancing in Man of a Thousand Faces. Ifyou have never seen 7 little Foys, check it out. Its a good film in its own right, but the challenge dance is brilliant. And Cagney did it for free, in gratitude for the help Eddie Foy gave him early in his career.
