I have seen parts of this film that have been colourised,now can any one tell where I can get a colourised version


I have this movie in the colorized version on VHS. As far as I can ascertain the colorized version is only available on VHS. Mine is a used copy that I purchased through Amazon. I paid less than $10.00 for it.

You might also look for it on eBay. I know VHS is passé these days, but I have so many great movies on VHS that are not available on DVD that I’ve always kept at least one of the TVs in my house equipped with a VCR. A few years ago you could get a working VCR for a song at second hand stores. The one I have is one of the TV with built in VCR models. I’ve had mine about 10 years. I imagine they would be harder to find now.

I agree that most movies don't gain anything by being colorized, but I think this is the exception. Since this movie is so flamboyant and full of life colorization only makes it more so. All of the costumes look so very beautiful in color as well.
