Plot hole?

Very funny movie. Takes a while to get going, but the second half is hilarious. However, i noticed something that simply doesn´t make sense. Tura is unmasked when playing the professor. He is captured by the nazis but gets out alive. What happened there? He was simply thrown out of the building and went home? Weren´t the nazis out to kill the resistance members? They just let him out alive, unharmed? I know this is a comedy and i´m not supposed to search for logic. I know that Tura couldn´t be killed, otherwise what would have happened to the movie. I´m well aware that logic doesn´t always make a film good and this goof by no means diminishes my love for TO BE OR NOT TO BE, but wasn´t someone else somewhat upset about this at least for a few seconds?


That isn't a plot hole. Stage Actors played Nazis to save Joseph Tura from Colonel Erhardt and his men, because Maria Tura (Carole Lombard) found out that Colonel Erhardt and his men found the body of Professor Siletsky.

You will love the movie if you watch the movie again.

If you are interested in other Lubitsch films, then I highly recommend The Shop around the Corner, Ninotchka, A Royal Scandal, and Trouble in Paradise.


Ohhhh right, I was watching the film on a small screen and was also confused by this. Great film anyway, thanks for making it clear.
