Having read this entire board up to this point, may I please offer the following for your consideration. 1) Mel Brooks waited 41 years to remake "To Be..." Almost 2 generations had passed since the original movie was filmed, so I tend to think of Brooks' film more of a comedic homage to the original rather than a 1:1 remake. He brought to the plot some gags and dialogue that were more reflective of the time his movie was made in. At the same time, he gave the '80's generation a movie about Nazis, Hitler, war, and how bad things really were, in such a way that they could relate to it.
He's done the same thing with his own, "The Producers". It's an update, not a totally blind copy.
Besides, at the time of the original post, another 21 years had gone by since the Brooks version was released. It took you this long to publicly pan a movie that would be close to graduation from college if it were a child?
You're entitled to your opinion, of course, as am I, but even you have to give Mel Brooks credit for doing an homage to one of his favorite films, much as he did with "High Anxiety" (his homage/spoof of Hitchcock films) a few years later.
Methinks thou doth protest too much....and take thy movies waaaay too seriously.