

Towards the end of the movie, the good people of Mapleton, Massachussetts, converge on the hideout of fiendish Egyptian mastermind. The villagers are carrying ... sticks and torches?


During World War II, most Americans had guns and flashlights.

Granted, the torches and sticks go much better with the melodramatic atmosphere of this serviceable B-flick. It's only a movie...

Just couldn't resist pointing this out.


Wow, your dumb, how do you even know this, are you that old to remember, or did you just listen to stories that your old folks or grandparents use to tell you. Get more of a Imagination and then come back pal ;)

We can DO IT ALLLL DAY LONG, (We'll have to pay more for the light bill if we do it at night!)


Dear jeff the dj,
You say that pninson is dumb, but you don't know the difference between "your" & "you're". Bwaa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!


I figured that they brought torches instead because Babe had told and retold his story about how guns failed to kill the creature but fire stopped it. So, it wouldn't have done any good to bring firearms, but they could try to destroy it with fire.

But, there are additional points:
1) They do return to the purer horror of older Universal films, with fewer comedic elements such as the wisecracks and a magician. This is a darker film.
2) In the Thirties films, villagers always pursued monsters with torches. So, though not that remote from that era, this actually could have been a homage to those movies. They would know that their audience was familiar with the creature-at-bay image.



The OP is right. Where would they even GET all those torches in small town America in the 40's? Fun flick, but that aspect of it was pretty goofy!


Even dumber if we're to believe it takes place sometime in the 70's, if the timeline of the film is to be taken seriously (this movie takes place 30 years after HAND).

You're right OP, it is silly but you have to chalk it up to aesthetics. Torches just look cool!

I did check for pitchforks but couldn't find any. Apparently, they were out on loan for GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN at the time of filming.


They only have torches so they could reuse some footage from Frankenstein! You can even see Germanic feathered hats and Bergermeisters if you look carefully!


In this movie universe, flashlights were invented in 1987, so it would make perfect sense for the villagers to still be using torches
