Three cheers for RKO!

just saw this "holy grail" for the first time, in a college film series, and it's actually quite terrible. Beautiful, yes. Elaborate, yes. Busy, yes. But over acted, and over-written. Holt and Moorehead were awful. And it just rambled on and on, tedious inter family squabbling. RKO was entirely correct to butcher this down to size - can you imagine the horror of having to watch another hour of this pretentious claptrap!?!


Perhaps it had all those problems because RKO cut it to pieces.


@OP people don't give a flying Amberson about your opinion!


The original poster has posted his same drivel on several threads here.

Sounds like a personal problem, compounding a congenital lack of intelligence. I think he ought to stick to his playstation, and not waste time watching films.

"When logic and proprtion Have Fallen Sloppy Dead ......"


Trolls are everywhere even on this board, what a world
