MovieChat Forums > Kings Row (1942) Discussion > PARRIS MITCHELL'S CHILDHOOD HOME?


Does anyone know where the mansion on the hill was filmed?


Yes the mansion is on Long Island right
near Montaug Point...


I'd almost bet my life that the "childhood home" was filmed on Warner Brothers' back lot. No studio at the time filmed on location except in the most extraordinary circumstances.


Not saying this to be sarcastic, louie, but to help I hope. One of my best teachers taught: never wonder about what you can look up.

You can avoid such questions in the future by the simple expedient of looking under "filming locations", the final entry in the ADDITIONAL DETAILS section, which comes immediately below the cast. This one reveals that Kings Row was filmed entirely on Warner Brothers Studio sets in Burbank CA.

He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good... St. Matthew 5:45


oldblackand white I'm not the OP but I thank you for posting that info. I've used IMDB for years but I did not know that,

I will add something that I do know.

I'm sure you know that this movie was based on the book Kings Row. The author grew up in a small town in Missouri called Fulton. He changed all the names but left enough details in it to let the locals know he was writing about Fulton.

The book was banned in Fulton and Callaway County for many years. I'd bet the law is still on the books but i know for sure that it is no longer enforced because I have been able to buy it ever since I moved here in the 1970's.

In spite of the former ban the book is now mentioned in tourist info for Fulton.
